There Has Been A Change….My Last Trip

It has an uneventful few weeks driving for a change. I pretty much went to the same towns and customers that I have been going to over the past couple of years so there were no surprises. No tight back ins, no jam-packed yards to maneuver in and no stresses about finding a place to…

It’s Been An Interesting/Exciting Few Weeks

Before getting to the tales from the road since my last post, I want to reflect back to this same time period of a year ago. Back on March 12,2016, I came off the road due to a set back in my PTSD and depression recovery. At that point, my only real treatment was medication…

Something Happened On The Way To Getting Well

It has been a while since I posted, so I thought it would be good to give my followers a status update on my progress on getting back in the drivers seat. So let’s begin on the PTSD front. I have made steady progress with the help of my two doctors. There has been some adjustment…

Getting Compliments

Please note that I had started this blog prior to my set back and the doctor basically ordering me not to drive. Not sure whether it has been luck or if I have a little angel looking out for me but  I have missed the nastiest of winter weather so far this year. Now that…

Over the Road Week 1 (Training)

Picture Courtsey Kriska Transportation Group I got home late Thursday evening from orientation in Mississauga and I was more mentally tired than physically tired but all in all it was a good week. Friday morning I woke up to the sound of my dog, Bogie, wanting to go out, so much for sleeping in. The…

And So It Begins

The Process My journey to becoming a truck driver, (I will not use the word professional just yet as I have a long way to go before being considered a professional) I guess started after a bicycle crash at Sun Peaks Resort in B.C. The crash left me with two broken wrists, one needing surgery,…